Friday, November 2, 2012


I went to the concert in Seattle last weekend. It was my first time to go to seattle, but the only thing I regretted was that I didn't have enough time for sightseeing. By the way, the concert was awesome! It was held at WaMu Theater in Seattle, and there were three stages for different kind of music, three rides such as merry-go-round and roller coaster and there were also a tons of people. According to the Facebook page of this concert, about 10,000 people clicked its LIKE button, but I think there were actually more than 10,000 people; it was packed. I saw people wearing crazy costumes. Were those costumes? No, they were almost naked! It was a kind of culture shock, but also I realized how free people in the U.S. are. They seemed that they didn't care how others looked at them. I was surprised and impressed.

On October 31th, Halloween, I went to three places with my boyfriend. At first, I went to OIS Halloween party in PSU, and I saw Erin, Brandy, Mathilde and Takehiro wearing costumes. (Take put on makeup.) It was fun to see friends of mine wearing various costumes. We stayed there only for 30 min, because my other friends were waiting for us in OMSI. So we went to OMSI but we didn't have tickets and the ticked was $12 per person. We decided not to go. Instead of this, we went go to downtown for bar hopping. Second, we went to Goth bar (I'm not sure....)because friends of my friend told that they were there. (actually they were not there.) In the bar, there are a bunch of evil decorations and they played Punk Rock music. I'm not familiar with that kind of music, but I seemed faded in the bar because I wore skeleton costume. lol I also went to DEXIES in downtown and I danced there. I like to dance especially when I drink. I had so much fun there.

 I love Halloween<3 How was your Halloween? I hope you had fun as much as me.

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