Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Crazy Thanksgiving Holiday

I want to tell you about super crazy Thanksgiving holiday!

It started from the Wednesday night to the Friday morning. My boyfriend's family and I celebrated Thanksgiving on wednesday night because, in this year, a lot of stores divided big sales into 3 days. After we finished wonderful Thanksgiving dinner that my boyfriend's mother made, we went to K mart. There were already 10 people in the line in front of it at 10 pm, and we also began to wait for the sale. Eventually, we had been waiting till 6 am on the next day. I was freezing cold while I was waiting even though I wore a lot of clothing and I was in a sleeping bag. Especially, my feet was almost dead; I couldn't feel anything with my feet. I asked the first one in that line since when he had been waiting there, and he said that since 1 pm on the wednesday. That means he was waiting for 17 hours! Can you believe that? At that time, I realized how crazy the big sales during Thanksgiving holiday were; This holiday made people crazy. Anyway, after I helped my boyfriend buy a big TV, I got sick and gave up being in line, but my boyfriend continued being in the line again right after he bought a big TV for another TV. Finally, he got 3 TVs and totally, he was waiting for 22 hours to buy what he wanted. For me, I couldn't get what I wanted. It was totally bust! lol

Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday? I'd like to know your story.

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