Sunday, November 4, 2012

About My Holiday

Look at the picture on the right. What do you think is happening on it? This picture is about Black Friday. I’m looking forward to Black Friday this year! Do you know what Black Friday is? It is at the next friday after November 24th. The reason why they say it Black is many retail stores' profits are going to be in the black. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE CHEAP; this is my kind of holiday. 

"Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. "

I’m already thinking about what I’m going to buy such as clothing, shoes, bags and cosmetics. Especially, I want new headphones or earphones so bad. One of my friends said that Beats by Dr. Dre is awesome. According to my friend, the sounds are clear and the beats are heavy as if you are surrounded by a lot of expensive speakers.

"Beats By Dr. Dre provides a premium sound experience with its line of high-quality headphones, Beats Audio HD-sound systems and MOG digital music service." 

Official Cite for Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones:

A lot of musicians or famous celebrities use it. For Example, Gwen Stefani who is  one of famous singer uses it, too. (the picture on your left)

I guess I will go to a store and wait there from early morning with my friend wearing a lot of clothing or having blankets. It is my mission in Portland! (Because of no sales tax in Oregon.)


  1. My host mother told me about black friday, Everyone will crazy at that day. My host mother is a manager of Chico's(a clothing store). She told me they always open the stor about 4 o'clock at that day. And a lot of people already wait there. It is crazy!

    1. Yesah, it is crazy, but people want good deal stuff like me. lol
