Sunday, November 18, 2012

Movie Recommendation 2 "The Notebook"

I want recommend you the movie, The Notebook. This is really beautiful, sad and touching love story. This story is how Noah and Sara fall in love and old Noah read this story to old Allie who has Alzheimer's desease to make her remember her memory with him. Here is a trailer.
If you want to watch this movie, you must have tissue beside you because you'll cry so hard, seriously!


  1. Oh Masumi I really want to watch this movie, it seems to be such a good one! I almost did it when I was in the plane to come to Portland but I chose another movie, I don't know why!!
    Do you know when it came out?

    1. I think it came out in 2004. It's kinda old one but still, this movie is great! Try it.
