Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Best Thing That Happened To Me

The best thing that happened to me during my time in Portland so far is having my best friend from Japan. From August 22nd to 27th, my best friend, Yuki was here to visit me. She is a same university student in Japan. We always hanged out, and we went through something good and bad together. Before I came here, she held a big farewell party for me with a bunch of my friends. She is one that I don't want to lose in my life. I really missed her that time because I didn't have many friends here and I was struggling to learn English. So when I heard that she was going to visit me, I was extremely happy. 
After she arrived at Portland, I felt a different way about Portland. Everything seemed to be exciting with her. We went to downtown, China town, Water Front Park and Hawthorne Street. What we did there was nothing special, such as having lunch/dinner, shopping and sightseeing. We enjoyed here as if we were in Tokyo where we used to hang out. However we did some usual things, I felt that Portland is the most interesting and exciting place in the world.
I realized that it depended on who to spend a time with, not where to spend a time whether it was going to be the best thing or not and also that someone could be the best or at least a good friend wherever you spend a time with he/she. Sometimes “where” doesn’t really matter for me but “who” does. After my best friend went back to Japan, I have tried to do something new with my new friends in Portland and to enjoy it here, because Portland is where I live now; I don’t have to feel lonely anymore because there are a lot of friend and a lot of places to go with them.
I want to enjoy the rest of my life in Portland!